Do you ever feel someone near you are changing?
We agreed that, when other people usually do something in a certain pattern like they used to, or just based on what they said or their story. Maybe in some cases it is more like to conditional logic in Programming or Math. For example if they starving, then they’ll start becoming an angry bird, so in the future if they’re start starving, they’ll start angry too. Sometimes we think it’s as easy as that.
But what if the action after the conditional statement is kinda different than usual?
Instead of getting angry, they’re start crying, or even laughing, isn’t it so weird? Wouldn’t you guys notice it easily? Let’s get back to the conditional logic things. If you guys have no idea about it, in a nutshell, it’s likes a rules consist of If Statement, Else Statement, or Else If Statement. If any of that statement is true, or on-going, there’s another state called Action, or what to do. Eventhough it seems like a very simple rules, but in my opinion our brain was made from a collection of conditional logic. When we are hungry, we go eat, when we feeling sleepy, we go to bed, when we get sad, we cry.
If you look more closely to my explanation about conditional logic, turns out it also consist of Else If statement. It’s not as simple as when you are hungry, you go eat, some of us already programmed to have another option, like instead of reading their hungry feeling, they also have to check their money or food stock, if they don’t have food but they are hungry, they can’t eat, so they’ll just drink or do something else. This is the part that people mostly missed.
We only expect someone to do a thing when they’re in a certain condition, but actually the actual condition won’t work as simple as that. It could be they had another condition that prevent them to do something that they’ve done in the past, and finally break the pattern. You have to get used with this.
And then how to deal with this? As far as I know, it’s kinda simple, it’s communication. Communicate with the person you feel acting different, and simply ask “Why did you do that?”. Ya although, it’s not always ends well, but at least you’ve tried, right?
Not everything works like we thought or planned.